The School library is open to all students and staff of JNV Khammam.
One book per week will be issued to each student.
The students should follow the following rules:
- Students should borrow books only on their own cards.
- Strict silence must be maintained in the library.
- Reference books cannot be borrowed and must be used only in the library during a library period.
- Books lost/damaged/disfigured will have to be replaced or paid for by the borrower.
- Books have been arranged and cataloged. They must be put back in the proper shelf, if you are not borrowing the same. It will help to keep the library in order.
- Personal books/belongings are not supposed to be brought into the library.
- Any child found damaging or defacing a library book would be debarred from using the library for a time period, which will be decided upon by the school authorities.
- No student may take books out of the library without the permission of the librarian.
- The due date for returning the books is 7 days later from the date of issue.
- Students should return books on /within the due dates.
- It is mandatory for students to return the books before the Holidays and the School Examination.