NCERT Exemplar Books for 9th Class Maths
- Chapter 1: Number Systems
- Chapter 2: Polynomials
- Chapter 3: Coordinate Geometry
- Chapter 4: Linear Equations in Two Variables
- Chapter 5: Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry
- Chapter 6: Lines and Angles
- Chapter 7: Triangles
- Chapter 8: Quadrilaterals
- Chapter 9: Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles
- Chapter 10: Circles
- Chapter 11: Constructions
- Chapter 12: Heron’s Formula
- Chapter 13: Surface Areas and Volumes
- Chapter 14: Statistics and Probability
NCERT Books for Class 9 Science
English Medium- Chapter 2. Is Matter Around Us Pure
- Chapter 3. Atoms and Molecules
- Chapter 4. Structure of the Atom
- Chapter 5. The Fundamental Unit of Life
- Chapter 6. Tissues
- Chapter 7. Diversity in Living Organisms
- Chapter 8. Motion
- Chapter 9. Force and Laws of Motion
- Chapter 10. Gravitation
- Chapter 11. Work and Energy
- Chapter 12. Sound
- Chapter 13. Why do We Fall ill
- Chapter 14. Natural Resources
- Chapter 15. Improvement in Food Resources
NCERT Solutions for class 9 Science PDF
NCERT Books for Class 9 Social Science
India and the Contemporary World – 1 (History)
- Section I: Events and Processes
- Chapter 1: The French Revolution
- Chapter 2: Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
- Chapter 3: Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
- Section II: Livelihoods, Economics and Societies
- Chapter 4: Forest Society and Colonialism
- Chapter 5: Pastoralists in the Modern World
- Chapter 6: Peasants and Farmers
- Section III: Everyday Life, Culture and Politics
- Chapter 7: History and Sport: The Story of Cricket
- Chapter 8: Clothing: A Social History
Contemporary India – 1 (Geography)
- Chapter 1: India – Size and Location
- Chapter 2: Physical Features of India
- Chapter 3: Drainage
- Chapter 4: Climate
- Chapter 5: Natural Vegetation and Wild Life
- Chapter 6: Population
Democratic Politics – I (Political Science)
- Chapter 1: Democracy in the Contemporary World
- Chapter 2: What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
- Chapter 3: Constitutional Design
- Chapter 4: Electoral Politics
- Chapter 5: Working of Institutions
- Chapter 6: Democratic Rights
- Chapter 1: The Story of Village Palampur
- Chapter 2: People as Resource
- Chapter 3: Poverty as a Challenge
- Chapter 4: Food Security in India
NCERT Solutions for class 9 Social Science PDF
क्षितिज भाग 1 (‘अ’ पाठयक्रम)
- पाठ 1: दो बैलों की कथा
- पाठ 2: ल्हासा की ओर
- पाठ 3: उपभोक्तावाद की संस्कृति
- पाठ 4: साँवले सपनों की याद
- पाठ 5: नाना साहब की पुत्री देवी मैना को भस्म कर दिया गया
- पाठ 6: प्रेमचंद के फटे जूते
- पाठ 7: मेरे बचपन के दिन
- पाठ 8: एक कुत्ता और एक मैना
- पाठ 9: साखियाँ एवं सबद
- पाठ 10: वाख
- पाठ 11: सवैये
- पाठ 12: कैदी और कोकिला
- पाठ 13: ग्राम श्री
- पाठ 14: चंद्र गहना से लौटती बेर
- पाठ 15: मेघ आए
- पाठ 16: यमराज की दिशा
- पाठ 17: बच्चे काम पर जा रहे हैं
कृतिका भाग 1 (‘अ’ पाठयक्रम)
- पाठ 1: इस जल प्रलय में
- पाठ 2: मेरे संग की औरतें
- पाठ 3: रीढ़ की हड्डी
- पाठ 4: माटी वाली
- पाठ 5: किस तरह आख़िरकार मैं हिंदी में आया
संचयन भाग १ (‘ब’ पाठयक्रम)
- पाठ १. गिल्लू
- पाठ २. स्मृति
- पाठ ३. कल्लू कुम्हार की उंनकोटि
- पाठ ४. मेरा छोटा सा निजी पुस्तकालय
- पाठ ५. हामिद खान
- पाठ ६. दिए जल उठे
स्पर्श भाग १ (‘ब’ पाठयक्रम)
गद्य खंड
- पाठ 1. धूल
- पाठ 2. दुःख का अधिकार
- पाठ 3. एवेरेस्ट: मेरी शिखर यात्रा
- पाठ 4. तुम कब जाओगे अतिथि
- पाठ 5. वैज्ञानिक चेतना के वाहक चंद्रशेखर वेंकट रमन
- पाठ 6. कीचड़ का काव्य
- पाठ 7. धरम की आड़
- पाठ 8. शुक्रतारे के सामान
स्पर्श भाग १ (‘ब’ पाठयक्रम)
काव्य खंड
- पाठ 9. पद
- पाठ 10. दोहे
- पाठ 11. आदमीनामा
- पाठ 12. एक फूल की चाह
- पाठ 13. गीत अगीत
- पाठ 14. अग्नि पथ
- पाठ 15. नए इलाके में – खुशबु रचते हैं हाथ
NCERT Solutions for class 9 Hindi PDF
NCERT Books for Class 9 English
NCERT Solutions for class 9 English PDF
- Chapter 1: The Fun They Had
- Chapter 2: The Sound of Music
- Chapter 3: The Little Girl
- Chapter 4: A Truly Beautiful Mind
- Chapter 5: The Snake and the Mirror
- Chapter 6: My Childhood
- Chapter 7: Packing
- Chapter 8: Reach for the Top
- Chapter 9: The Bond of Love
- Chapter 10: Kathmandu
- Chapter 11: If I were you
NCERT Solutions Class 9 English Literature Reader PDF
Moments – Supplementary Reader
- Chapter 1: The Lost Child
- Chapter 2: The Adventures of Toto
- Chapter 3: Iswaran the Storyteller
- Chapter 4: In the Kingdom of Fools
- Chapter 5: The Happy Prince
- Chapter 6: Weathering the Storm in Ersama
- Chapter 7: The Last Leaf
- Chapter 8: A House is not a Home
- Chapter 9: The Accidental Tourist
- Chapter 10: The Beggar
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course PDF